The local news stations who aired the live-streams of the prior Ferguson City Council meeting did not do so today; perhaps because they were ashamed of the publicity upon the city. In addition the live-stream from the actual city feed itself was conspicuously inoperable. Subsequently the only visibility into the event itself was from people using twitter and recording the events inside the chamber. Here’s a sample:
“If Darren Wilson Get Off Y’all Better Bring Every Army Y’all Got, Cause It’s Going Down”

Numerous residents expressed the same or similar sentiment. Each resident taking turns attacking the City Council for allowing the due process within the Law and Order system.
Then came the face of the Ferguson residents, Anthony Shahid:

shahid 2

It is obvious to all who are watching the events unfold that acceptable “justice” is Omni-directional, Officer Wilson must be arrested.  Nothing else is acceptable.
The mob mentality is not exclusive to Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere.  It is widespread:
