The lady who wore tampons in her ears on television, and later mocked Mitt Romney’s grandson because he was black, has a spidey sense for detecting racism. She can define it when others cannot, or so she says. However, given the propensity for MSNBC to miss the daily examples of black racism directed toward non-blacks one must wonder if her psychological  tuning fork is uni-directional.

Melissa Harris-Perry

(The Daily Caller) At a recent forum at the University of Michigan, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry explained to her audience that white people will never understand why things are racist, because they lack an innate “racial trigger,” that instantly tells them when to be outraged.

Harris-Perry, on the other hand, has a very finely-tuned racial trigger.

“I know that this moment is racist because it trips my racial trigger, because it makes me feel nauseous,” she said, according to The Michigan Daily. “I’m not generally angry, but you just made me mad.”

While lamenting that her ‘white allies’ would never be fully able to understand the way black people feel, she nevertheless maintained that a faculty more committed to discussing racial issues would help improve white people’s understanding of racism.  (read more)
