humor-in-nature8D’oh  – HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius may have been trying to create plausible deniability for Dear Leader, but what she actually said, and openly advocated for in her admissions, is just profoundly more affirmation of how inept President Obama actually is.
It comes as no surprise the single most important legislative construct of an inept unqualified President, that is bound to affect millions of Americans on one of the most important aspects of their lives, was doomed for failure in its roll-out while President Obama sat clueless and uninformed. What does that say about the priorities of the White House occupants, and their visible preferences to sit detached from ownership of that which they create?  (video below)

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama didn’t know about the problems with the Affordable Care Act’s website – despite complaints from insurance companies and the site’s crashing during a test run – until days into its now well-documented abysmal launch, the nation’s health chief told CNN on Tuesday.
humor-in-nature8In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted Tuesday that there is significant concern in her department and the White House over the technical debacle surrounding the Obamacare website’s rollout.
The site was supposed to make it simple for people to search and sign-up for new health care policies starting on October 1, but instead it’s been clunky and, at times, inoperable.

“We’re not at all satisfied with the workings of the website,” Sebelius said. “We want it to be smooth and easy and let consumers’ compare plans.”  (read more)
