No shit Sherlock.

You’ve been a prop for the hardline industrialized global leftists since they wiped the mayo drool from your mouth at Occidental cafeteria commons, and convinced you to become the “front man” for this Jarrett scheme.

“You know, I was backstage with David Plouffe, some of you guys know he’s sort of a mastermind of campaign organization and we were talking about how as the campaign goes on, we become less relevant. I’m sort of a prop in the campaign. He’s just bothering a bunch of folks, calling, asking what’s going on.”

In the fall of 2007 with the epicenter of early global financial collapse clearly evident in our six (fuse lit Sept 2005), yet no-one paying attention yet, we began researching “The Bigger Scheme”, Keeping Hope A Lie.

Barack was merely a tool then, he remains as such today.

Dividing Americans into groups and playing each against the other has been the Globalist Jarrett/Obama’s modus operandi since the beginning of the scheme. Resentment and envy are the key emotional drivers. The takeover tool became ‘carbon trading’ once the loose goose financial bubble instruments were exhausted.

As documented everywhere over the past four years, hatred against the top 5%, 2%, 1%, you name it, was the subtext and often text of global campaigns from Greece through the EU and over the Atlantic.   Accusing Obama opponents of racism has been the communist/globalists’ main line of attack to insure the Tick embeds.

Parasites around the world united in one ridiculous cause – CONTROL – that’s really all this has ever been, and all it will ever continue to be. Within the control design, emotion reigns over logic, and now….

Organized labor will be used to stoke the fires of hate…

Fear and Falsehoods, like Hollywood acting, breeds the technocrats….

Any means justify their ends.

It’s too late for the EU – they are grasping for war, any war, because it’s their only hope.  They effed up and globalized themselves.   Instead, now look toward the Chinese. Not the media portrayed Chinese, but the average Chinese schlock just doing what ever they can to take care of their family. Their eyes are now opening as they witness the sunlight upon their own version of DC Politburo filled with Central Command authority.  Scheming individuals worth BILLIONS.  Just watch what happens… keep an eye… It’s unraveling there – you’ll see.

Within your lifetime you will witness our #1 ally being a free and democratic constitutional China;  And two women will lead both nations toward freedom….   Meanwhile the globalists will withdraw to their safe harbor, Europe, and plot a scheme for the next generation.

Wolverines !
