HatTip to Sharon who followed up on the previous assertion from Ryan Julison about his company Facebook website posts showcasing his false racist storytelling mysteriously disappearing.   Here is what he posted earlier last month:
“User error”, pffffttt.  So it appears Mr. Julison deleted his own incriminating articles with his own words bragging about how he sold the racist Zimmerman narrative to the media.
For those of you not familiar with Ryan Julison or Julison Communications, Julison is the media consultant hired by Trayvon™ family attorneys Natalie Jackson and Benjamin Crump.
It was Julison who fabricated the entire narrative about the white 248 lb Neighborhood Watch Vigilante, George Zimmerman, hunting down the innocent Trayvon™ Martin and shooting him murdering him in cold blood just because he was black.
Julison was hired on March 5th a few days after Trayvon™ Martin was buried March 3rd.  We have outlined with great specificity how Ryan Julison specifically and intentionally lied when he fabricated stories sold to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and various newspaper outlets including the New York Times.
It was Ryan Julison’s narrative that you find at ground zero for the racist nuclear blast that eventually led to at least one death, and dozens of brutal race based beatings and assaults on behalf of Justice For Trayvon™.  (If you want more details just enter his name in the site search box on the right side of the page, there is a lot).
This Facebook post of his is typical of his character.  Initially he claimed the posts just mysteriously disappeared.  After we were finished laughing at his ridiculous claims apparently the sheer stupidity of his position must have sunk in.  Either that, or someone told him ‘hey Ryan, that’s just about stupid, not to mention impossible’.   So now he says whoops, em, yeah, I admit I did it but it was all just accidental and stuff.   Uh’ huh,…. Okaaaay.
Regardless.  At this point the insufferable slime ball has wrought enough damage, hurt enough people, and deserves as much tar and feathers possible.
But what really annoys me, from a characteristic position, is how Ryan Julison never made any attempt to stop the media from selling the toxic narrative once people started getting hurt.   It is not so much what he did to light the fuse, but more what he failed to do when the collateral damage from his explosion was evident.
Rather than “man up” and try to do the right thing in calling his media contacts, of which there are many, telling them there was no racial motive, he just allowed it to continue.  And this is after he specifically became aware of information that refuted the initial framing of his race-based narrative.
That ‘walk away’ he did without any concern for consequence is what really puts the evident vile nature into his motive.   He exemplifies the worst form of evil and manipulation on a human level.    If you are to look historically at why George Zimmerman is now sitting in jail and really get to the root of the manipulation that put him there, you will find Ryan Julison.   It was Julison’s initial lies that started this entire lynch mob mentality.
Ryan Julison is a man without character, principle or moral compass and all of his clients and contacts should be viewed with the same level of contempt by their willing association.
He brags of his clients on his company FaceBook page so it is easy to find out who they are.   In addition his public profile lists his “friends”, or more aptly, those in the institutional media machine, willing to sell his malicious lies.

Become best friends with a one-legged man and you are gonna start limping !

If these people are willing to be professionally affiliated with Ryan Julison that speaks volumes toward their lack of judgement or worse, toward their flawed character.
All of which we previously outlined HERE.
