The establishment GOP consisting of cocktail party republicans are going to launch an all out assault on Newt Gingrich.   We know the playbook, we have seen it in action before.  Remember the response from the establishment in Delaware when Christine O’Donnell, supported by the Tea Party, defeated ‘their guy’ Mike Castle?     Well here it comes

It’s an age old cigar smoking establishment Machiavellian strategy.   They used it on Ronald Reagan, they used it on Christine O’Donnell.    This is gonna get ugly, I mean full on cornered wolverine type ugly…..

I’m practicing my screen grab and text cutting skills for the upcoming election cycle so that I can do a better job pointing out the specifics of the bias rather than just describe it. So bear with me as I work to learn this stuff and make it useful….. 🙁

Click on the screen shot to make it bigger, and let me know in the comment section if: a) it makes sense, b.) it is of any value, and c.) is it even worth the effort ?.  Let me know in the comments.   Thanks.   /Sundance
